Im Sommer 2020 gründeten sich in Magdeburg „Die Reformer“.
Musik und Tanz bedeutet Begegnung, und das ist ihr Anliegen. Die international besetzte Folkband repräsentiert mit ihren Mitgliedern den Süden, Osten und die Mitte Europas, streckt aber musikalisch ihre Fühler überall dahin aus, wo Freude an Musik, Tanz und Gesang eine Tradition hat. Das MGT Institut und Shirley Radig, Christoffer Wolf, Klara Bokova, Ivana Sieberling, Alexandros Karagiorgis laden ein: Ein musikalischer Abend mit kleinem hausgemachtem Buffet erwartet euch! Um Spenden wird gebeten! MGT Institut für Bewusstseinserforschung: Salzer Straße 9a, 39221 Biere/Deutschland / Anmeldung unter [email protected] / +49 39297 28922
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Sa. 08.07.23 17:00. Biere – MGT Institut für Bewusstseinserforschung: Wieder bieten wir euch ein klassisches Konzert, dieses Mal spielen das Trio: Franziska Steinecke (Klavier), Marco Onofri (Geige, Bratsche Gesang) & Geir Håkon Seljelid (Geige, Bratsche). Norbert Schröder (Viola) & Heidemarie Beckert (Violoncello) werden für ein paar Stücke die 3 ebenfalls unterstützen. Musik von Johan Halvorsen, Geir Håkon Seljelid, Marco Onofri, Alberto Barberis, Francesco P. Tosti & Luigi Boccherini. Es erwarten euch Kaffee und Kuchen & außergewöhnliche Gespräche. Nach wie vor ist auch die Ausstellung - Dietmar Fröhlich „Bilder aus der DDR“ in unserem Haus zu bewundern. Bitte um Voranmeldung und freiwillige Spenden. Das Programm seht ihr hier: ![]()
Am kommenden Samstag 21.01.23 / 18:00 wird es zu dieser Ausstellung die Endveranstaltung geben. Wir freuen uns auf einen weiteren wundervollen Abend mit Dietmar Fröhlichs Bildern aus der DDR, dem Duo Umbria als musikalischem Teil des Abends - Musik von Bach, Beethoven, Kreisler und Lieder aus Neapel - und einem kleinen Buffet für die Gaumenfreuden ❤️😊 bitte sagt zeitnah Bescheid, wenn ihr kommen wollt!
Sonnabend, 03. 09. 2022, 18:00 Uhr, Biere, (bei Schönebeck). Ausstellungseröffnung Dietmar Fröhlich zeigt „Bilder aus der DDR“ - Malerei zwischen 1972 und 1990, ca. 40 Gemälde, die einiges vom damaligen Lebensgefühl reflektieren. WO: MGT Institut für Bewusstseinserforschung, Salzer Straße 9a, 39221 Biere. Musik: Tabea Schubert und Norbert Schröder, Magdeburg. Einen kleinen Imbiss, passend zum Thema wird es geben. Für die Kosten bitten wir um eine kleine Spende. Wegen Raumplanung und/oder Besuchen an späteren Tagen bitte jeweils nur mit Voranmeldung & Absprache im MGT Institut: Tel. 039297 28922, [email protected] oder bei mir: [email protected], Tel. 0391 8380803 Wer am nächsten Sonnabend nicht kommen kann, aber gern kommen möchte: Kein Problem. Wir planen dort weitere Kulturveranstaltungen. & Es laden Euch und Eure Lieben herzlich ein, Claudia & Magdalena Moser & Caspar de Rijk und Dietmar Fröhlich Prof. Franz Hörmann hält einen 2-tägigen Workshop zum Thema:
Balance your Body & Mind
The Life & Free Energy Technology Conference is sponsored by the Universal Trust. Several speakers also participated in the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement events. Some speakers will be present and others will be connected thru the internet. All of them will be live available for questions after their presentations. It is part of the mission of the Universal Trust to: Protect, nurture and enhance life and our planet. Use technological and other solutions to empower individuals and communities in a sustainable manner. It’s all about consciousness of the root problem(s) and sustainable solutions. We will cover all this and more…
Please send the filled out Registration Form to [email protected]. ProgramSaturday 17 September Opening 10 am 10:00 – 10:30 Consciousness, Technology & Trust – Caspar de Rijk Consciousness creates and assists technology, technology assists consciousness. How to get the three factors of consciousness, technology and trust working harmoniously together. 10:35 – 11:20 Conscious Co-creation – Michael Upstone This explains the tools for establishing a co-creative environment, what they are, how they work and the necessary inversions / reversals from the prevailing (and failing) organizational model... how we unlock both individual creativity and team work while creating a balanced organization that works with nature and human nature. 11:25 – 12:05 Community plan – Michael Upstone The next step in using the Conscious Co-Creation tools is demonstrated here in the form of a plan to take a community from fear and scarcity to sustainability and abundance. This deals with food, water, waste, energy, healthcare and building materials to flip costs in to additional income streams. 12:10 – 12:45 Conscious currency – Michael Upstone How we can create our own community currency, connect it to others, detach it from the Dollar/Pound/Euro value system, connect it to technology and use it for international exchange. Lunch break 14:15 – 15:00 Free Life Energy – Bi-Ma Andén There exists a free energy for every human being, and thus the whole humanity, that by the modern materialistic scientific age is ignored or lost. The most ancient common name for this energy is Kundalini, even though it also has other names. It was known by ancient cultures where the mystery or source of life was searched for in other ways than today, where the wonder of life was an important issue not just taken for granted. Today there is a revival of yoga and eastern philosophies within western cultures, but to study all old scriptures and studies about Kundalini would take lifetimes. So even though I find it important to really connect to this free energy for humanity to really survive in peace and harmony and UNIVERSAL TRUST, I am aware of that it can be very confusing. I do want to contribute to my outmost for this energy to be known and consciously available to those who really urge for it, in the same way as others want to contribute to free energy in other ways, as for example electricity and healing. 15:00 – 15:45 The Future of intelligent Medicine– Dr. Roger Boger & Karen Boger The future of integrative medicine is really a return to the past as seen in the excerpts from the first Chinese Medical Textbook (2600 BC). “Inferior doctors treat full, severe disease after it is obvious. Mediocre doctors treat disease after it has first begun to show symptoms. Superior doctors prevent the disease." Moving forward from that point translates into the awareness of epigenetic changes that can occur from reducing stress, proper diet and nutrition, proper exercise, family relationships and relationship with source (mind, body, spirit/energy medicine). We will discuss how an integrative approach creates a heightened awareness of what it takes to live a longer healthier life. Prevention of disease is a result of removing toxins from our bodies and the environment. 15:50 – 16:35 Healing FUSION: From a Healthcare Victim to a Health Boss with Coherent Energy Technologies – Dr Irina Kossovskaia As Albert Einstein rightfully pointed out, “Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.” In healthcare, a new paradigm is starting to gradually replace the failing biomedical model. This holistic paradigm puts an emphasis on systemic thinking, individual health awareness and responsibility, and the coherent state of our energy and informational matrix as the basis of health. Out of many energy healing technologies available today, we have separated three that bring a living system to the state of coherence in the most effective and cost-efficient manner: the SCENAR/COSMODIC, the resonating Low Level LASER, and the SOLARIS Blanket. These three stand-alone yet extremely complementary and mutually enhancing coherent energy technologies form a healing system that we call the Healing FUSION and that can take care of 85-95% of our daily health needs transforming us from healthcare victims into health independent Home Healers and our own Health Bosses. To preview the Healing FUSION technologies, visit Tea break 17:05 – 17:50 The Triad Wave – Brenda Williams The Triad Wave Platform© is universal…meaning it works in concert with and supports all modalities, practices, tools and devices. The beauty of The Triad Wave Platform is its ability to quiet the “monkey mind” by awakening and engaging the entire human sensory system to assimilate, decode, process and route information through the many complex delivery systems of the human form. The body is now able to "reset and self-adjust". During our time together, you will experience the “wave” as well as “RB/QT” for yourself. To preview, visit these websites., & 17:55 – 18:35 The Free Energy Revolution – James Schmidt What is free energy, the science of free energy, past inventions, the suppression of free energy technologies and which inventions and technologies promise to change our world in the near future. This talk will include up to date information on motor/generators and the latest on Keshe technology. Feedback Group Discussion Dinner 19:30 – Sunday 18 September Morning sessions 10:00 – 10:45 Energy on the Mental Level – Claudia Moser How we are creating energy from a conscious viewpoint and how we can control it. A introduction into the relevance of energy in MGT consciousness processing and a brief demonstration of the possibility to measure thought energy on a psychogalvanometer. 10:50 – 11:35 Energy Healing Session – Healing Fusion – Michael Upstone A practical session with volunteers using the healing fusion technologies of Dr Irina Kossovskia - a live demonstration of the power of the Scenar and Cosmodic energy healing devices from the Russian space medicine program as well as the Q Laser system from the USA... all available for home use and supporting cellular regeneration as well as ultra fast repair of the human body. 11:40 – 12:25 Megaculture – Michael Upstone An introduction to practical mega- Incl. permaculture techniques and technologies that can be simply and quickly implemented to produce large cropping, excellent quality and resistance to drought, pests and frosts. This covers how to create a high yield low maintenance vegetable plot and includes sections on implementing ormus materials, Tesla spirals, rock mineral technologies, energised water and more. 12:30 – 13:15 Oenosan: An ecological sustainable Alternative for organic Agriculture with highly reactive Particles – Katia Welvaert "The future of our planet is in need of sustainable ecological solutions. Immunity problems as a result of the use of chemicals in agriculture, soil impoverishment, hydric stress, distortion of the calcium balance and climate changes are some of the challenges of our eco-systems. In my search for innovative solutions, I bumped into Oenosan, an ecological sustainable alternative for organic agriculture. With Oenosan I have now the chance to contribute to the support of our beautiful planet, and I'm thrilled to share this with you." Lunch break 14:45 – 15:30 Waste to sovereignty of Spirit – Dr. Charles Blake This is a story of how in 40 years of endeavour it has become clear to me that the simple act of recovering the mass and energy from our waste with the right infrastructure will enable us to recover energy and molecularly pure elements in the form of silica, aluminium, other base metals, rare earths, and precious metals. These materials appropriately interfaced with 3-D printing technologies effectively enable communities that own such infrastructure to produce any commodity that they can imagine. More importantly it will enable such communities and produce energy which in turn enables the production of water and light which gives rise to the production of food which enables the application materials through the built environment. So energy, water, food, shelter. Then comes the application of the same technology which will give rise to the production of transportation, communication and above all education infrastructure. This is possible because all of the materials we currently have purchased, used, and declared useless as waste actually retain the inherent value of the energy and mass that is embodied in the products themselves. When a community embraces this approach, it becomes autonomous for material things which enables the possibility of becoming autonomous in spiritual things which generally equates to sovereignty of spirit. All of this is possible now, this is the story of how. Thorium: The Power of the Future – Niclas Hagström This talk, from an electricity expert, who worked many years at atomic reactors in Sweden, gave us another viewpoint on the possibilities of cleaner nuclear energy without waste products and introduced us to Thorium-based nuclear power projects. Space Energy – Gerhard Rößler Panel Discussion Feedback Group Discussion End of event Dinner 19:30 - for those who stay / Socializing SpeakersMichael Upstone Michael Upstone is former FTSE100 management consultant and a contributor to the Model of Sustainable Organizations (MoSO), a ‘route map’ to establishing sustainability, based around the International Standard for sustainability, ISO9004/2009, best practice systems and the work of Dr W. Edwards Deming. He has contributed to a number of international quality exercises and is the founding Chairman CQI Digital, which produced the first international multi-industry digital quality guidelines for imaging and graphic artwork. Mike is also an international award winning photographer and has exhibited internationally. His diverse range of interests are now being applied to providing sustainable solutions for law, governance, banking, finance, environment and community. He graduated in Government and Public Policy from Northumbria University and is the inventor of ‘digital camera profiling’, a method by which digital image colour is managed and linked to other imaging devices. He founded the Universal Trust in 2012, which is dedicated to producing positive solutions for the planet, marrying advanced technology with well proven principles of sustainability and governance, founded on personal responsibility and individual liberty. Mike has participated twice as a speaker at the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conferences in the USA. Bi-Ma Andén from Svenshögen, Västra Götaland County, Sweden Bi-Ma Andén was born in Sweden in April 1946. As she says: “When I reflect about my life, my life story seems like a fairytale, very magical but also arduous.” At a young age, from inner mystical experiences, I made a commitment with The Divine to devote my life to serve the change from a mundane oriented to a mystical or spiritual oriented society. See also Dr. Roger Boger & Karen Boger Dr. Roger Boger earned a B.S. in biology, an M.S. in cellular biology, taught at Ohio State University, was a fellow in research at Einstein Medical Center, earned a D.D.S. from Temple University, was a fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD), past president of many Dental Organizations, practiced dentistry for 26 years, certified professional ski instructor (P.S.I.A.-E) 40 yrs, active in commercial and residential real estate, built LifeSpan, The Center for Integrative Health, in SC, USA, Lecturer both nationally and internationally on Health & Wellness and Energy Medicine, has spoken in Japan, Canada, France, England, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Russia and the Caribbean, among other places, author of “Your Einstein Complex Awaken Your Inner Genius” , co producer of Dr. Roger & Karen Behind the Curtain (television show). As Global Ambassador and President of the Apical Corporation he is creating aggregation type business models for global health care that focus on holistic, diagnostic and prevention measures to prolong quality of life for people throughout the world. Karen Boger studied at Wright State University School of Nursing, has a 30+ year career in finance including position as VP of Real estate partnership, a career as business owner/wellness consultant/life coach, acquired life and health insurance license, partnered in Hyperbaric Oxygen business, partnered in public and corporate training, co-authored a book “Babes in Business Suits”, co-owner of publishing company “Boger Publishing”, partner and co-owner/co-producer of television show – Dr. Roger and Karen Boger “Behind the Curtain”, Global Funding Consultant and firm owner for 5th Avenue Capital, Chief Visionary Officer of Networktocracy, Corporate Business Development Officer for Apical Corporation and a Trustee with Universal Trust. With a desire for a healthier planet for their 6 children (Karen 4 and Roger 2) and 4 grandchildren, Karen & Roger's passion and purpose are in alignment...To create healthy environments for people all over the planet allowing them to be more aware of what it takes to live a longer, healthier, and more loving life. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM Irina Kossovskaia, is an entrepreneurial holistic physician and a digital marketer with businesses in Canada, USA, and Europe. A former Russian Space Research Program collaborator, an eye surgeon and a scientist, she is a renowned International expert on energy healing devices, regeneration, and age reversal. Dr. Irina uses her knowledge, experience, and passion to encourage Health Independence and support her growing community of Home Healers. Brenda Williams Brenda Williams is a Catalyst for Change, a creative thinker who mirrors a personal understanding of life’s challenges and models solutions that can work for anyone … in real time and real life. She is an author, producer and creative engineer within the field of sound/no sound vibrational/frequency application. Brenda has dedicated the last twenty plus years to the development of the various aspects of the Triad Wave Platform, integrating and sharing the many empirical communication tools that are available to all of our sensory levels … accessing what she terms our “Original Blueprint”. James Schmidt James Schmidt is a retired aerospace engineer with a physics degree. James has been studying and performing scientific studies of “free energy’ phenomena since the 90s. He lectures on the Revolution in Free Energy technologies and is currently a trustee with Universal Trust linking investors with inventors of paradigm changing and sustainable technologies. James also is studying about the relationship between scientific laws and spiritual laws – “as above, so below”. Claudia Moser Claudia Moser studied History at the University of Vienna, has a degree in Information- and documentation technology, a basic education in the health-sector as well as an intensive study of consciousness technology. She is the co-founder of Multi Genius Technology for Consciousness and co-author of the publication “The Self-Explorer’s Handbook” (MGT, 2015). Her work and life is dedicated to the research and application of ways and methods to expand awareness and understanding of the structures of life. Since 2005 Claudia Moser is actively involved in teaching and processing at the international MGT-Institute and is running the MGT-Institute for Consciousness in Vienna, Austria. Katia Welvaert Katia Welvaert, was born in Belgium in1965. The former physiotherapist said. ‘As I applied the classic techniques of physiotherapy to people, I felt a missing element: the energy level’. From this insight she took courses in ‘Holistic Color Therapy’ in the UK, ‘Electro Crystal Therapy’ at the Oldfield College, ‘Biophotons and applications’ by Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp – of Neuss Germany and ‘Measuring Energy Fields’ by Konstantin Korotkov – Slovenia, as well as in ‘Electro-Magnetic Resonance Therapy’. She has been active as Color and creative therapist, lifecoach and lecturer on the influence of light and colour on the well being of human beings. Katia is the inventor of ‘color family constellations’. With a strong desire for a healthier planet for people, animals and plants and within the idea of sustainability, the urge of bringing Oenosan (a biological immunity strenghtener for plants) on wide scale, has become her major target. Dr. Charles Blake Ambient Industries: Environmental Consultant, Provision of Waste Management Solutions, Strategist, Technology Evaluation. With a background in creative materials technology, marine operations, engineering and agriculture, combined with 24 years experience in environmental consulting and provision of waste management solutions, Charles has cultivated a penetrating understanding of natural and mechanical systems which he applies to environmental technologies and the delivery of cost-effective results. Charles has an acute ability to identify interfacing technologies that enable specific outcomes. He has provided consulting, waste management plans and the implementation of environmental solutions to many of Australia’s largest companies. Additionally, Charles has an extraordinarily wide network of technology providers, innovators, prototyper’s and solutions providers drawn from an extensive international network. This has given rise to projects in Canada, USA, South America, Holland, Germany, New Zealand, Australia and the islands of the South-West Pacific. Charles uses his understanding of natural symmetries, patterns and systems to inform and identify specific outcomes and identifies financially viable and technically achievable technological pathways of the delivery of those outcomes. Charles is articulate in his ability to communicate ideas in both general and technical terms. As such he has been granted Adjunct Status at University of Queensland, serves on the School of Biomolecular & Physical Sciences Industry Advisory Board at Griffith University and has associations QUT and the CSIRO. Charles has recently been awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering by the Bircham International University in New Zealand and is collaborating with Trevor Osborn’s World Harmony and the “Intention One Earth Foundation” as well as working as part of the Universal Trust. Pete Adams As founding member of TrioxLogic and OzoneTubes USA my job is to raise the bar on poor water quality and bring freshness back to the consumer with the value of our product. When it comes to award winning water we start at the very top and leave little room for second choice. Review
The MGT Institute for Consciousness is offering a 1-day workshop every now and then to introduce UBUNTU Contributionism. The workshop covers how the Ubuntu Liberation movement started in South Africa, introduces the founder Michael Tellinger and his vision. Furthermore we will discuss the reasons underlying the social situation in our world and what can be done about it from a personal as well as from a community or group point of view. This is the perfect workshop for those who are interested and new to the subject. When one intends to go in-depth we recommend the UBUNTU Contributionism Studies – a high quality education in the subject. It can be done also as seperate modules:
The first UBUNTU special workshop for speakers and representatives was held here at Bigera Haus, by Michael Tellinger in April 2016.
Cosmic SocietyDas Bigera Haus - das Veranstaltungszentrum des MGT Institutes für bewusstSEIN präsentiert folgendes Seminar mit Alfred Steinecker.
Dieses Seminar vermittelt theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Übungen zur bewussten Kommunikation mit extraterrestrischen Lebensformen. Zur Erklärung: Mit "extraterrestrische Lebensformen" bezeichnen wir hier Lebensformen, die in physischer oder nicht-physischer Form auf anderen Planeten bzw. in anderen Sternensystemen existieren. Ziel dieses Seminars neben dem individuellen "Erstkontakt" ist, dass jeder Teilnehmer ein Verständnis für die Existenz von Lebensformen nicht-irdischen Ursprungs und die Bedeutung des Bewusstseins in diesem Zusammenhang erlangt. Die Erkenntnisse des Seminars sollen zudem dabei helfen, Phänomene wie weltweite UFO-Sichtungen und sogenannte "Begegnungen der dritten Art" aus einer neuen Perspektive zu betrachten. Neben der Vermittlung von Hintergrundinformationen wird großer Wert auf die bewusste telepathische Kontaktaufnahme und telepathische Kommunikation mit extraterrestrischen Lebensformen gelegt. Wir treffen damit die Vorbereitung für das nächste, große Abenteuer: Den Schritt in die kosmische Gesellschaft! Inhalt des zweitägigen Seminars:Vorbereitende Informationen
Veranstaltung wird auf Deutsch gehalten. Teilnahme auf Spendenbasis (bisher 199.- Euro) Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten und Bewirtung sind vor Ort im Bigera Haus vorhanden. Buchungsanfragen & Anmeldung zum Seminar: [email protected] Mehr unter |
MGT TeamHere you can find all kind of different events which are held in cooperation with our MGT Institute. Our seminar house in Biere, Germany allows us to hold not only our courses but is also a great place for other activities and events! We are looking forward for more upcoming events and are happy to be seeing you there! Archives
October 2023