The world begins with you...
Personal Harmony is sometimes called happiness or inner peace, whatever its name, it consists of:
We can show you several pathways and give you some directions if you like... Self-exploration makes great use of the imagination, find out how...
Personal Harmony is the first stage to reach - if it is not yet in evidence - this is an optimum condition on the personal level.
This state should not be equated to a general contentedness and well being - it embraces much more than that. In the state of personal harmony a person knows she is a spiritual being aware of those factors which shape its personal life. Personal Harmony Defined "The state of a person who is in good health and at ease and in communication with its immediate surroundings, who has no unresolved personal problems, is ethical by its own standards, who has no unresolved personal upsets or persistent negative emotions, and has no attention on past guilt or karma, has no fixed ideas about itself and is generally happy." Some individuals with a physical condition have remarkably found ingenious ways to live with it and may well enjoy a sense of personal harmony. Someone suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) however or suffering from a psychosomatic affliction is usually not in a state of harmony with herself. Such conditions may be easily handled with Traumatic Incident Re-processing (TIR). Happiness There are certain known factors that create unhappiness, these are, if not obvious, found out, in life audits or in-depth interviews. What makes a person happy is also known so these factors are strengthened. A person applying Universal Imagination Processing© can come a long way on her own in terms of personal harmony. Often times the assistance of a guide is required to fully establish that state. Technical definitions and guidelines are given in the course materials of the various consciousness technology study modules. See Courses & Workshops |