What is the MGT Institute for Consciousness?
It is a retreat for explorers of inner space, an educational center. We train people in consciousness exploration…and then offer them four routes, which we call consciousness exploration routes. Exploring the Self, Transcending the self Integrating the Selves and Resolving the self.
Why explore consciousness at all?
We all have it but there are two types of consciousness, the creative and the automatic…One could say the creative is the output consciousness and input consciousness (perceptive) is what arrives more or less automatically.
One may get stuck on the input consciousness or the apparent existence in the matrix and forget that somewhere behind, or underlying there must have been one’s own output consciousness. We find that problems and undesirable conditions of life, can be completely changed by finding the precise source in consciousness.
One may get stuck on the input consciousness or the apparent existence in the matrix and forget that somewhere behind, or underlying there must have been one’s own output consciousness. We find that problems and undesirable conditions of life, can be completely changed by finding the precise source in consciousness.
What is your basic philosophy?
It is a top down philosophy, the whole determines the part. We live and are part or a holographic, fractal universe. On the top there is the oneness. We consider man to be a multi-dimensional, spiritual being inhabiting a body, or more precise a consciousness unit that exists on an individual as well as on a collective level and produces bodies and the entire universe.
What results are you getting?
Each session leads to more knowingness and various understandings. An individual following the consciousness exploration routes will have less problems in life and gradually acquire the ability to harmonize any situation.
What is special about your courses?
One of the things that is different in our educational setup is that one can study in a group/class if you wish but still at your own pace.
This has many advantages, you can put things on hold and clear up any confusions or lack of understanding with the help of others. You will team up with a study partner with whom you go over the material or do exercises as required.
This has many advantages, you can put things on hold and clear up any confusions or lack of understanding with the help of others. You will team up with a study partner with whom you go over the material or do exercises as required.
What technology do you use?
Our mainstay is the Universal Imagination Processing© technique which is fully described in the ‘Self-Explorer’s Handbook’. We also use psychogalvanometry, to register hidden emotional charges and their release. Sessions can be done duo, with a guide or solo by oneself, sometimes following a script or free style.
To which spiritual tradition do you belong?
The whole point of Multi Genius Technology for Consciousness is that we do NOT belong to any particular tradition but feel free to partake in the wisdom of any and all traditions that match the purpose of expanding consciousness.
I want personal harmony, what do I do?
Best is to contact a guide, who will give out a program based on what is called a life audit - in-depth interviews and possibly testing. (See Coaching)
I live in Austria what do I do?
Contact Ms. Claudia Moser
I would like to find out what processing is like
Contact a guide and arrange a free introductory session
I am a university student and would like to develop my 'right brain' abilities and intuition
We will have a number of study modules tailor made for you, contact the course supervisor.
What happened to Andreas Buttler's Spiritologie?
I have done some courses of Avatar, what can you offer me?
Request a life audit, the guide will give you a program that takes into account your background earlier training and accomplishments and will show you the most optimum way to continue your route to truth.
Are you connected to Scientology?
None of as are presently connected even though some were in the past. Our executive director has publicly spoken out against the cult on Dutch radio and TV after he left. The consequences were that his ex-wife and two daughters never spoke to him again. He was then declared persona non grata (Suppressive Person), by the Church of Scientology.
I recently left the Scientology can you help me?
Yes, we do offer exit counseling, which is done by a counselor who is familiar with the Scientology philosophy and the modus operandi of the cult.
I left the Church of Scientology, but I still believe in L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology
See xscn.mgtconcepts.com. Let us know what your last step was on the Bridge and we will find an auditor for you in the independent field - as it is called - who can help you on your way. Or... if you also wish to look beyond Hubbard and Scientology, do the XSCN Orientation Course.