The MGT Institute for Consciousness Exploration
& the Society of the Free & Responsible (SFR)
The following points have to be understood and agreed upon by all who wish to take part in our activities.
- MGT is short for the MGT Institute for Consciousness Exploration, which is a foundation registered in the Netherlands, which has been created and commissioned to support all the recreational and explorational activities of the SFR.
- SFR stands for the Society of the Free and Responsible, a private society and free association of truth seekers or consciousness explorers. MGT is a non-profit foundation. As a foundation cannot have members we created the SFR as the member association.
Private Society: living people united together (unincorporated) by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine and act jointly for some common purpose. - Free: freedom is just that, no arbitrary restrictions are accepted and thus there can be love of life and the living.
- Free Space-Time: This term expresses our vision or ideal scene. It means our space-time – our living conditions – freed from arbitrary restriction such as are found in the public space. This is not the idea of total freedom as that exists only on the level of the Absolute or Infinity. We mean a freedom that is balanced with responsibilities.
Responsible: conscious of (able to predict) the consequences of one’s actions, knowing we all share one planet and depend on each other’s goodwill to live; therefore acting accordingly. - Recreational & Explorational activities: are activities undertaken to improve the quality and conditions of life, which is done in principle by a process of consciously taking over its creation, therefore re-creational and by the exploration of inner space. These activities consist of applied consciousness technology.
- Consciousness Technology encompasses counseling, coaching, sessions, auditing, (re)processing, guidance and knowledge exploration or study.
- Explorer: a individual who has undertaken to explore the mind, inner space, the spiritual world in particular and in addition to the physical world.
- Consciousness Exploration Route Supervisor (CS) the individual guiding explorational activities is sometimes referred to as the case supervisor and may also be the same individual as the session guide.
Understandings and Agreements
- When we talk about recreational and explorational activities in this agreement and in our relationship, we do not refer to any ‘service’ in a commercial, legal, economic, fiscal or financial sense.
- It must be understood that these are philosophical, spiritual activities, which may consist of study instructions, interviews, communications, exercises, sessions, (re)processing and any number of questionaires and/or tests, including the use of electronic aids.
- All these activities take place within the confines of the SFR - a private society - and are based on and continued until a certain individual goal, formulated and agreed upon beforehand, has been reached.
- By taking part in any of our Recreational and Explorational Activities an explorer becomes automatically a member of this private society, this membership is free of charge and automatically expires upon completion or cessation of such activities.
- Those who take part in the more extensive Consciousness Exploration Routes are required to sign up and take up a permanent membership, which has a minimum yearly contribution rate of € 12.00 or equivalent in another currency with no upper limits, except the extent to which one is willing to support the society financially. If paid monthly it should be by automatic transfer.
- Sessions and processing are activities where a session guide, assists the explorer working with the imagination and/or by asking questions, listening to the answers, asking repetitive questions or giving instructions, getting these answered or executed and acknowledging the explorer for doing so.
- Sessions have no particular time limits, they end when the so called end phenomena have occurred and not before. Such phenomena include a new understanding, ability or realization has manifested usually accompanied by a smooth periodic oscillation on biofeedback meteran harmonic needle phenomenon occurs (if a psychogalvanometer is used).
- The explorer agrees to follow the instructions of the session guide and to accurately and timely report anything occurring that may effect the outcome of the game.
- The explorer is always conscious of what s/he is doing and can terminate any process or game at any time if s/he so desires.
- The explorer understands the principle of: the way out is the way through, meaning one needs to play the game to the end to witness the designated endphenomena and to win.
- The choice of procedures, techniques and processes to be used is entrusted to the session guide and the CS if the activity is supervised.
- MGT representatives may require that an explorer does certain educational/training steps.
- No drugs or stimulants or other mind altering substances are to be used some time before nor during these activities. No alcohol in the last 24 hrs preceding a session.
- Session time is reserved in advance, usually in blocks of ten hours, donations are agreed upon between explorers and session guides or supervisors and paid in advance.
- The guides will do all possible to lead the explorer to greater awareness and ability and the explorer understands s/he is also fully responsible for any results or outcomes.
- Training, Coaching and Knowledge sessions are individual and/or team explorations and may be supervised by a course guide.
- MGT Guides respect the privacy and confidentiality of data they may become aware of in their activities and will not pass these data to other explorers or third parties outside the SFR and will never use these to harm anyone or for personal gain.
- Expected donations are given to the MGT International Foundation, which is a non-profit foundation created and commissioned exclusively to support the SFR in all its activities.
- Donations to the non-profit foundation are generally non-refundable.
- If the donation consist of giving a hand in repairs, construction work or other things as contribution to the MGT Institute and SFR, the donor agrees to follow the instructions of the MGT representative(s).
- Any disagreements arising later - do not effect the present understandings and agreements - are to be resolved by two-way communication or a board of arbitration consisting of other members.
- The laws of the land and/or the sea (commercial) do not apply to any of these activities. If any jurisdiction would be needed it would be the jurisdiction of the air (see below).
The Jurisdiction of the air
Air is abundant everywhere and deals with matters of energy, spirit and intellect. This is also where we find ecclesiastical and canon law. The jurisdiction of the air is global in nature and includes living and dead souls, spirits, angels, demons and ideas, it used to be–officially–controlled by the pope & his appointees. All this has become very simple as the Jurisdiction of the Air has only three Laws:
- Keep the peace
- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
- So long as it does not take away another's freedom, life, property, or do other such harm, do what you like and let others enjoy their free will too.
The Corona Investigative Committee of attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, assisted by lawyers, judges and top medical experts from around the world recently completed their investigations and published their conclusions. In summary: They presented evidence before a Grand Jury that the pandemic is a global criminal operation.
One of the findings was: “And as part of the vaccination program in UK, they’ve been collecting data on vaccine adverse reactions, the Yellow Card system. Their own statistics say that there have been nearly one and a half million adverse effects from vaccines, and there have been close to 2,000 deaths. They believe it’s likely that only 10% of the vaccine adverse effects that have actually occurred have indeed been logged.” from the Grand Jury Summary. In order to protect all our students and explorers, we have now adopted a new rule. Our position and understanding of what has been going on for the last few years in terms of the so called pandemic and the related actions of our governments arose from thorough investigation of the evidence. This is exactly in line with what has been reported to the above mentioned Grand Jury. The term ‘pandemic’ is obviously misplaced and we do not believe the propaganda that virus cause illness. We know about mental spiritual causes of illness for sure. We consider the mandatory wearing of masks to be more of a psyop than anything that would make sense to prevent illness. There are several cures for Covid-19 or similar diseases. There is Ivermectin, Hydro chloroquine, vitamins like C combined with zinc and some other homeopathic or herb based treatments. Anything like or called Corona virus caused disease is usually rather mild and there are several easy cures. Vaccination with an experimental vaccine is not worth the risk. The mRNA vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Co have shown serious side effects and have caused numerous deaths esp. amongst sports people and airline pilots. It has also be classified as a bio weapon used for population reduction, the after effects of which may show up only much later, even years later. A lot of this has been documented in great detail in the book ‘The real Antony Fauci’ by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. We also recently lost a colleague and friend who died shortly after being vaccinated. There is some evidence of possible shedding of spike proteins, consisting of self-replicating prions [abnormally folded proteins], by those who have been vaccinated. In other words current vaccinations produce these spike proteins and create the possibility of vaccinated people shedding particles that could be detrimental to healthy unvaccinated people. Taking into account all this we decided on implementing the following: If anyone wants to take our in-house services they need to be unvaccinated or have undergone a thorough detox to get rid of the poisons and specifically so called spike proteins introduced into the body by vaccination with mRNA vaccines. The good news is that the damage from vaccination can be repaired by rather simple means, which has come out of the research done by Dr. Andreas Kalcker. It is based on Chlorine Dioxide and is known as CDS/CDL (Chlorine Dioxide Solution/Lösung). There is also Nano Soma and there may be several other solutions. We will provide to anyone concerned data and procedures we have found to help counter act any possible vaccination damage on request. We are aware of dealing with an almost worldwide dramatization of a considerable scale. Unfortunately, many people let themselves be drawn into this maelstrom of a consciously created reality and thus became co-creators of very negative intentions. The effect of this is both mental and possibly physical. We ask you to make sure that there are no harmful processes going on in your bodies. This is a factor that could be a possible cause of somatics and other unpleasant conditions. A CDL base protocol (10ml/day) for a few weeks would certainly be a good thing. If one wants to be absolutely sure whether there are effects - since there is also the possibility of a placebo vaccination - a live blood test would possibly be the right thing to do. The personal responsibility part of having gone effect of the propaganda and suppression can be addressed later, with our help if you like. In our environment, in the MGT group very many held and hold their position and contributed to the spread of correct information - how beautiful! For those who could not, let's fix it. References:
Der Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss unter der Leitung von Rechtsanwalt Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, unterstützt von Anwälten, Richtern und hochrangigen medizinischen Experten aus aller Welt, hat kürzlich seine Untersuchungen abgeschlossen und seine Schlussfolgerungen veröffentlicht. Zusammengefasst: Sie haben vor einer Grand Jury Beweise vorgelegt, dass die Pandemie eine globale kriminelle Operation ist.
Eine der Feststellungen lautete: "Im Rahmen des Impfprogramms im Vereinigten Königreich werden Daten über unerwünschte Wirkungen von Impfstoffen gesammelt, das so genannte Yellow Card System. Ihre eigenen Statistiken besagen, dass es fast anderthalb Millionen unerwünschte Wirkungen von Impfstoffen gegeben hat, und es gab fast 2.000 Todesfälle. Sie halten es für wahrscheinlich, dass nur 10 % der tatsächlich aufgetretenen unerwünschten Wirkungen von Impfstoffen auch tatsächlich erfasst wurden", heißt es in der Zusammenfassung der Grand Jury. Um alle unsere Studenten und Erforscher zu schützen, haben wir jetzt eine neue Regel eingeführt. Unsere Position und unser Verständnis dessen, was in den letzten Jahren in Bezug auf die so genannte Pandemie und die damit zusammenhängenden Maßnahmen unserer Regierungen geschehen ist, ist das Ergebnis einer gründlichen Untersuchung der Beweise. Dies stimmt genau mit dem überein, was der oben erwähnten Grand Jury berichtet wurde. Der Begriff "Pandemie" ist offensichtlich unangebracht, und wir glauben nicht an die Propaganda, dass Viren Krankheiten verursachen. Wir wissen um die geistig-seelischen Ursachen von Krankheiten. Wir halten das obligatorische Tragen von Masken eher für einen Psyop als für eine sinnvolle Maßnahme zur Verhinderung von Krankheiten. Es gibt mehrere Heilmittel für Covid-19 oder ähnliche Krankheiten. Es gibt Ivermectin, Hydrochloroquin, Vitamine wie C in Kombination mit Zink und einige andere homöopathische oder pflanzliche Behandlungen. Krankheiten, die durch das Corona-Virus verursacht werden, verlaufen in der Regel eher mild, und es gibt mehrere einfache Heilmethoden. Eine Impfung mit einem experimentellen Impfstoff ist das Risiko nicht wert. Die mRNA-Impfstoffe von Pfizer, Moderna und Co. haben schwere Nebenwirkungen gezeigt und zahlreiche Todesfälle verursacht, insbesondere bei Sportlern und Piloten. Sie werden auch als Biowaffe zur Bevölkerungsreduktion eingestuft, deren Nachwirkungen sich erst viel später, sogar erst nach Jahren, zeigen können. Vieles davon ist in dem Buch 'The real Antony Fauci' von Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sehr detailliert dokumentiert worden. Vor kurzem haben wir auch einen Kollegen und Freund verloren, der kurz nach einer Impfung gestorben ist. Es gibt einige Hinweise darauf, dass geimpfte Personen möglicherweise Spike-Proteine ausscheiden, die aus selbstreplizierenden Prionen [abnormal gefaltete Proteine] bestehen. Mit anderen Worten: Die derzeitigen Impfungen erzeugen diese Spike-Proteine und schaffen die Möglichkeit, dass geimpfte Menschen Partikel ausscheiden, die für gesunde, ungeimpfte Menschen schädlich sein könnten. In Anbetracht all dessen haben wir uns zu folgendem Schritt entschlossen: Wenn jemand unsere Dienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen möchte, muss er ungeimpft sein oder eine gründliche Entgiftung durchlaufen haben, um die Gifte und insbesondere die so genannten Spike-Proteine loszuwerden, die durch die Impfung mit mRNA-Impfstoffen in den Körper gelangen. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass die Impfschäden mit relativ einfachen Mitteln behoben werden können, die aus der Forschung von Dr. Andreas Kalcker hervorgegangen sind. Es basiert auf Chlordioxid und ist als CDS/CDL (Chlordioxid-Lösung/Lösung) bekannt. Es gibt auch Nano Soma und möglicherweise noch andere Lösungen. Daten und Verfahren, die wir gefunden haben, um möglichen Impfschäden entgegenzuwirken, stellen wir allen Betroffenen auf Anfrage zur Verfügung. Wir nehmen wahr, dass wir es mit einer beinahe weltweiten Dramatisation eines beträchtlichen Ausmaßes zu tun haben. Bedauerlicherweise ließen sich viele Menschen in diesen Sog dieser bewusst erschaffenen Realität hineinziehen und wurden somit Co-Kreatoren sehr negativer Absichten. Die Wirkung davon ist zu einem geistig und möglicherweise eben auch körperlich. Wir ersuchen euch sicher zu stellen, dass keine schädlich wirkenden Prozesse in euren Körpern vor sich gehen. Dies ist ein Faktor, der eine mögliche Ursache für Somatiken und unerfreuliche Zustände sein könnte. Ein CDL Basis Protokoll (10ml/Tag) über einige Wochen wäre sicherlich eine gute Sache. Wenn man ganz sicher gehen möchte, ob Auswirkungen festzustellen sind - da ja auch die Möglichkeit einer Placebo-Impfung besteht - wäre eine lebend Blutuntersuchung ev. das Richtige. Den Schritt der geistigen Verantwortung, wie man in Wirkung dazu gehen konnte, können wir im Anschluss dann gerne mit euch gehen. In unserem Umfeld, in der MGT-Gruppe hielten und halten sehr viele die Position – wie schön! Für diejenigen, die es nicht konnten, lasst es uns in Ordnung bringen. Referenzen: