The ability to imagine is usually abundantly present and freely exercised in early childhood, only to then be gradually educated into the background and replaced with confronting the real world.
The imagination can be used as a consciousness enhancing technique which does not use psychedelics or any form of drugs. The use of the imagination is not new. Freud used free association, Jung developed what he called 'active imagination', a technique to amplify and interpret the contents of dreams. A host of psychologies and psychotherapies are using it in many forms. Due to its broad usage and easy application we call it the universal imagination technique. What is remarkable is the wide scope of results that can be obtained - beyond the mundane - using the imagination in the realm of consciousness, the mind and spirit. Also remarkable is the ease with which it can be learnt. Using the imagination in certain smart ways, it is possible to discharge undesirable conditions and get rid of subconscious influences and no longer useful beliefs and convictions, leading to regained freedom beyond what may have been considered possible. But... The imagination technique can be done for different reasons and on different levels of consciousness or awareness. There is a wide range of relative ability to imagine, varying from getting vague impressions to full multi-color, three dimensional visualizations even to the point of materializations. |
Using this technique to the fullest includes addressing the formative concepts and thought patterns underlying the very creation of the 'real' world and will enable one to reach the highest levels that can be obtained with any technique. After all it is the spiritual being itself who decides on limiting itself and its perceptions or embracing infinity.
Most people begin the adventure of this innocent looking technique with a professional, a friend or another student. This method is capable of bringing old, subconscious material to the surface accompanied by powerful emotional releases enough to convince anyone. The Universal Imagination Technique can be done in duo-teams or in the comfort of one’s own surrounding all by oneself. The technique when done by oneself does of course require the necessary discipline and is often done with the help of an external session guide. It can be done with or without biofeedback. Theory and principlesThe concepts listed here can be found in many systems, philosophies and practices and are given here without much explanation.