Meditation can mean many things. In our vocabulary, what we call essential meditation is that which ought to be the basis of any form of mental or spiritual or consciousness techniques. For many techniques the first requirement is to be able to sit quietly in a chair or on the mat, cross-legged or otherwise, be silent and pay attention, (remember school :) which is not a hard job for most of us.
When it comes to sit still and also still the mind - not thinking at all - this may be a different matter. But as with computers it can be very useful to refresh or reset so the random memory gets cleaned out and back to zero. An exercise or practice to achieve this ought to be part of any path or approach as one of the first things in order to ensure the success of whatever other procedures or exercises may follow.
What does this word meditation actually mean? The etymology often sheds more light on the inner meaning or original meaning. The dictionaries usually say meditation means contemplation and derives from Latin meditation, a thinking over. My own folk etymology - which makes more sense to me - is:
medi-tare: from ‘medi’ - Latin locative of medius = middle (similar to medi-terranean, which means from the Middle Land)
So meditate means: “Seeking or finding the middle, midpoint or center”. In other words locating the still center, (motionless source) of things, or communion with God if you wish. Coming nearer to the center of one's actual being. Meditation thus consists of finding the center or middle point, that which is aware of being aware. Essential Meditation is usually the first thing taught in consciousness technology.
When it comes to sit still and also still the mind - not thinking at all - this may be a different matter. But as with computers it can be very useful to refresh or reset so the random memory gets cleaned out and back to zero. An exercise or practice to achieve this ought to be part of any path or approach as one of the first things in order to ensure the success of whatever other procedures or exercises may follow.
What does this word meditation actually mean? The etymology often sheds more light on the inner meaning or original meaning. The dictionaries usually say meditation means contemplation and derives from Latin meditation, a thinking over. My own folk etymology - which makes more sense to me - is:
medi-tare: from ‘medi’ - Latin locative of medius = middle (similar to medi-terranean, which means from the Middle Land)
So meditate means: “Seeking or finding the middle, midpoint or center”. In other words locating the still center, (motionless source) of things, or communion with God if you wish. Coming nearer to the center of one's actual being. Meditation thus consists of finding the center or middle point, that which is aware of being aware. Essential Meditation is usually the first thing taught in consciousness technology.
Learn this essential meditation
The training to master the essential meditation technique consist of a few coaching sessions and a few hours to get the idea. From there on it is just practice, practice, practice... See under Pure Perception Workshop
Once a month there is also a Meditation Practice in the MGT Intitute. For the exact dates please take a look on our Calendar.
Once a month there is also a Meditation Practice in the MGT Intitute. For the exact dates please take a look on our Calendar.