Thoughts create your experience! ...but can you make that come true? Learn to control your thinking, so it doesn´t control you! Stop automatic thinking and just be and regain your own capacity to realize new things.
This meditative state we call direct (absolute) consciousness or pure perception and it is the only thing that can make charge vanish. We call it essential meditation as it is that essential factor which determines the greater or lesser success of any mental or spiritual technique.
It is not something to read about, but something one has to experience!
This module normally takes two days, it has a short theoretical introduction and consists of practicing the meditation technique. As a technique It has some similarity to Vipassana meditation but it is even more elementary. Vipassana is often translated as 'clear-seeing'. The Pure Perception version of meditation is one of the basic tools of the MGT Consciousness Technology, it can be directly traced back to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. More about the technique here.
For further practice you can also join our regular Meditation Practices. Next dates you can find on our Calendar.
Duration: 2 Days (12:00-19:00 incl. break times)
Compensation: 130€ incl. course material
This meditative state we call direct (absolute) consciousness or pure perception and it is the only thing that can make charge vanish. We call it essential meditation as it is that essential factor which determines the greater or lesser success of any mental or spiritual technique.
It is not something to read about, but something one has to experience!
This module normally takes two days, it has a short theoretical introduction and consists of practicing the meditation technique. As a technique It has some similarity to Vipassana meditation but it is even more elementary. Vipassana is often translated as 'clear-seeing'. The Pure Perception version of meditation is one of the basic tools of the MGT Consciousness Technology, it can be directly traced back to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. More about the technique here.
For further practice you can also join our regular Meditation Practices. Next dates you can find on our Calendar.
Duration: 2 Days (12:00-19:00 incl. break times)
Compensation: 130€ incl. course material
Testimonials of the Meditation WorkshopIt was possible for me, at the end of the course, to find a calm and peaceful place within myself. It was soft, warm and without tension. The "outside" no longer affected me and became very quiet. The workshop opened up a new quality in the depth of perception for me. Also the stability of the observer position and not having to be associated with feelings and thoughts, perceptions was strengthened. The workshop started a cleansing process for me. I was able to observe my thoughts well and detect destructive patterns and let them go. I was allowed to experience my self as deep serenity on different levels, which is connected to everything. |
Erfolgsberichte des Meditations-WorkshopsEs war mir möglich, zum Ende des Kurses, einen ruhigen und friedlichen Ort in mir zu finden. Er war weich, warm und ohne Anspannung. Das „Außen“ tangierte mich nicht mehr und wurde ganz leise. Der Workshop hat mir eine neue Qualität in der Tiefe der Wahrnehmung eröffnet. Auch die Stabilität der Beobachterposition und das Nicht-assoziiert-sein müssen mit Gefühlen und Gedanken, Wahrnehmungen wurde gestärkt. Der Workshop hat bei mir einen Reinigungsprozess in Gang gebracht. Ich konnte meine Gedanken gut beobachten und destruktive Muster aufspüren und sie loslassen. Ich durfte mein Selbst als tiefe Gelassenheit auf verschiedenen Ebenen erleben, das mit allem verbunden ist. |