Audit, Definition
- a systematic review or assessment of something; VERB (audits, auditing, audited) [WITH OBJECT]
- Conduct a systematic review of:
late Middle English: from Latin auditus 'hearing', from audire 'hear', in medieval Latin auditus (compoti) 'audit (of an account)', an audit originally being presented orally.
Life AuditAn audit is typically performed against standards, in this case these are your personal standards.
The life audit is simply a thorough and critical look at one's life, a self-assessment one ought to periodically engage in, to be sure to stay on course. It may be the first step on the way to personal harmony! In a theatrical analogy, the life audit is a self-assessment and critical examination of the life and script by the actor him/her self, assisted by a mentor. The mentor is an expert in consciousness technologies. PurposeA life audit always results in a program of recommended actions which the person may follow, aiming for a distinct improvement in personal well being.
The complete consciousness technology can be applied, to enable an individual to steer a precise course towards a greater quality of life for herself and others. |
Possible areas to evaluatePhysical State, chronic conditions and general health
Emotional state, chronic (bored, angry, fearful, contented, enthused, conservative, etc) State of general knowledge, specific working knowledge. Does it harmonize with what is actually needed? State of useable skills (leadership, social, empathy, communication, emotional etc.) Lacking something? State of personal life management and organization (incl. time management, even hygiene) Presence and status of social network (evaluation by others) Actual duties or responsibilities , past responsibilities. Any areas of overload? Degree of control over life CostEUR 120 or equivalent