The MGT Institute for Consciousness is supported and financed in part by our private foundation and financed further by hosting events, giving courses and other activities. All research work and development of the consciousness technology which was done for example the last two years leading to the publication of The Self-Explorer´s Handbook was privately funded.
If you are interested in supporting this creation you are very welcome in doing so by co-creating the institute and purpose in any way. Please get in contact with us about your different ideas and possibilities to do so. Support can take different forms from helping with translations, promotion, research, connecting interested people with the institute, setting up groups or donating money. If you decide for the latter you can do that here:
If you are interested in supporting this creation you are very welcome in doing so by co-creating the institute and purpose in any way. Please get in contact with us about your different ideas and possibilities to do so. Support can take different forms from helping with translations, promotion, research, connecting interested people with the institute, setting up groups or donating money. If you decide for the latter you can do that here:
We are looking forward to your support in what ever way & say THANK YOU :)